
My name is Mike. I am a Web Developer. I've always been fascinated by technology and am especially interested in the internet. Few technologies have changed the way people live, as the internet has. We can access information about nearly any subject in an instant. Connecting with anyone in any place around the world is easier than ever.

Web Development and programming, in general, require continuous learning to stay on top of current and rising technologies. Through self-learning, made possible by the modern web, I've acquired the skills that allow me to create websites. Continuous learning is one of my favorite aspects of the profession.

My curiosity and desire to solve problems drives me to learn. I enjoy the challenges of working out solutions and acquiring new skills as needed. I'm a quick study, able to conceptualize new technologies that I want to learn.

My expertise is in front-end web development with HTML, CSS, and Javascript and back-end software development with Python, Django, and Postgres.

Aside from web development, some of my interests and skills include: guitar/music/DAW recording, cooking, learning about science, nature, and history, video games, movies (who doesn't like movies?), DIY home repair, and DIY car repair.