Projects frontpage

A full-featured website: built with Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.

  • Blog App
    • Rich text editing with django-ckeditor.
    • Images served via Cloudinary API.
    • A unique slug generator if posts have the same title.
  • Contact App
    • SendGrid email API integration.
    • Google reCAPTCHA integration.
  • SEO
    • Fast website performance.
    • Structured data with JSON-LD.
  • Security
    • Custom middleware to manage HTTP headers for improved security.
      • Content Security Policy
      • Strict Transport Security
      • Cache-Control
    • Environment variables to hide sensitive data.
  • Other
    • PostgreSQL database.
    • Cloudflare DNS integration.
    • Google Analytics.
Todo App
React Todo App

A React app that connects with a Django REST framework API.

  • Authentication using the django-allauth package: Register new users, login, and logout.
  • Create todos and store them in a database, mark todos complete, and delete todos.
Weather App
React Weather App

A React app that consumes an API from OpenWeather.

  • Enter a Zip Code to get the current weather.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Rock Paper Scissors Game

A rock, paper, scissors game built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

June Wordpress Theme
June WordPress Theme

  • A custom WordPress theme built from scratch following theme development standards.
  • Modified pagination function to handle Bootstrap styling.
  • Developed theme customizer options.
  • Integrated JSON-LD to provide structured data for posts.

Raspberry Pi Car
Raspberry Pi Car

An RC car, modified to be controlled programmatically with a Raspberry Pi.